Photoshop and Dreamweaver Integration:

/Photoshop and Dreamweaver Integration:
Photoshop and Dreamweaver Integration:2019-07-29T08:03:34+00:00

Photoshop CS – Dreamweaver MX/2004

(Photoshop CS Training Video)
Approx. 2 1/2 Hours :: 26 Lessons

Learn how to:

Set Photoshop preferences
Use regions
Create navigation buttons
Create eye candy
Use repeating patterns
Make a final design comp
Use slices
Create roll-over effects
Optimize gif, jpg and png
Use weighted Optimization
Define a site in Dreamweaver
Convert Photoshop designs to HTML
Understand and use CSS
Work with hyperlinks
Work with images and links
Use Dreamweaver templates
Embed Flash in Dreamweaver
Improve Search engine ranking
Create remote rollovers
Add Drop-down menus
Upload sites to the web