What Are People Saying about Colin Smith and his Tutorials?

/What Are People Saying about Colin Smith and his Tutorials?
What Are People Saying about Colin Smith and his Tutorials?2019-07-29T08:22:36+00:00

I recieved the CD and i want to thank you for making such great tutorials!
Since I came into contact with your site and tutorials my knowledge is growing by the day, my collegue is getting pretty nervous since I showed him what I can do with photoshop! He is an experienced Photoshop user but I am showing him how to use some of the Photoshops secrets already, thanks to your help.

“I just want to thank you for the CD, it is great I have learned more from the CD than from many books out there. Again thank you for making something that really works and helps.”

“The CD arrived this morning…………..I have only 1 word for it!- FANTASTIC! Many Thanks.”
– Bob

“Just wanted you to know that the CD is more than I had anticipated, thanks.”

“I bought PS Secrets and just wanted to let you know how great it is. The question I have is: Why cant I think of the solutions by myself, they are so simple once explained by Colin?”

“I enjoyed Photoshop Cafe Live so much I couldn’t wait for another one to come out. Keep up the good work, your my Photoshop hero.”
– Linda

“I have played all the tutorials and worked several of them already. This is great โ€“ itโ€™s easy! I have purchased several expensive books that the tutorials are way to long winded, and on occasion not properly presented. Congratulations on a fine piece of work.”

“I purchased your “PhotoshopCafe LIVE” CD last weekend. I wanted you to know how absolutely GREAT it is. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed going through every tutorial. They are so easy to understand and just about every one of them came out exactly the way yours did.”
– Deinna

“Just a quick word about your tutorial CD’s. I found the first Cafe Live one exciting and inspirational. I am retired and wanted something to keep my brain ticking over and the tutorials were just what I needed.I found the tutorials easy to follow and informative and forced me to explore Photoshop in more detail. As soon as you announced the Secrets Cd I ordered it and it came this morning, I was like a kid with a Christmas present, I immediately ripped the packaging off and started learning. This cd is even better and I believe it will be good enough to eventually help me to earn a little money on the side, repairing and enhancing photographs. Not bad going on just two tutorial CD’s. I find the new format excellent, the picture and audio are very good indeed. The price of the CD’s is also very good, well worth the money at double what you charge.
Needless to say I will be ordering your Live Cafe 2 Cd.
Peace and Prosperity from the UK.”

“I have had photoshop on my computer for at least 1 yr. I did not have any understanding of how to use most of the program. After buying PS cafe live i am having more fun with the program than i could imagine! Thank you so very much, I started using layers, grids, and i am now making my own backrounds for my photos. I can’t wait to get my next cd for Photography effects.”
– Bob

“I wanted to drop you guys a line about the tutorial Colin did. I have tons of books, tons of magazines, and tons of emails but most were boring. I had played with Photoshop no where near what I wanted, but enough to get by. I had never gone to the depths I should have been near with PS7 I had received the tutorial and well, I was a hit and the cover for this month was wild for me. And it was the way I expected my work to be. So I am glad I picked it up and took a chance. Otherwise, I would not had any desire to work with PS7.Happy and Hooked, waiting for v2.”

“I just wanted to tell someone deserving how much I love your site and tutorials. I spent money on a photoshop course and, other than the text, which was great, the course was a waste of money and time and parking fees. Your tutorials are clear and they work. Thanks so much!”
– Janet